Friday, June 5, 2020

Walls and bridges

I haven't reported lately on the wall next door, but it seems to be morphing into a giant planter.  The sides are still under construction. It's rather attractive, but excessive engineering for a vegetable garden (4 foot deep trench, underground concrete reinforcements, rebar, etc.)  What do I know?  It will surely last longer than the West Seattle Bridge.

Speaking of that, there's been a smattering of cars parked up there during the day. I assume they are engineers, trying to figure out a plan.  The latest rumor is the bridge was doomed right from the beginning with fatal design flaws.

If it can even be repaired, it might last another 10 years. Either way, we're looking at a new bridge (or some other solution) in the not distant future.

Being Seattle, a task-force was organized to come up with ideas. It includes our old Mayor Nickels (of Urban Village fame) from the 1990's. We always seek consensus here, even though it's impossible.

Every special interest in the community has opinions. Nothing wrong with creative thinking, but ideas floated include a tunnel (eeek! Remember Bertha?) or light rain trains (forget the cars) or my favorite, a bicycle/pedestrian only bridge.  Imagine riding a bike downtown on a black January morning?

The city has finally started the process of soliciting engineering bids for replacement, so it's going to be a long haul.

Well, Friday morning and another week gone. It's cool and cloudy, but we're going to the Rhododendron Species Garden in Federal Way. Our weekly outing.

Nothing is really open here yet, except for essential business. However, King County just applied for permission to move into a modified Stage 1.  That means doggies can get finally get groomed and people can line up for haircuts.

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