Monday, June 8, 2020


I hope my hairdresser can open his shop again soon.  So another week begins, looking exactly like our past 15. Meaning, the same home routine and not a darn thing on the calendar.

The sun tries to peek out, but we're in a persistent grey and wet weather pattern. So chilly that the furnace has been running all morning. June is typically a disappointing weather month here. The old saying goes that summer doesn't start in Seattle until the 4th of July. True.

King County is very tentatively re-opening, but the mass protests, still happening every night, are worrisome. I'm sympathetic to the cause, but it looks like an excellent way to get sick, even in non-pandemic times. The next few weeks will tell.

On Saturday, thousands of of people held a peaceful rally, crowded into The West Seattle Junction (above.) This is about 6 blocks from our house, and I heard the march go by on California Avenue. It looked like many parents brought their children along for a teaching moment.

These times are so confusing, you begin to lose sense of what is (and isn't) a good decision. Especially because there's so little useful health data about Covid.

Some of our friends are returning to their old routines, visiting family and getting out again. We've given up so much during these past months at home, so that's understandable. But?

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