Thursday, June 25, 2020

Sittin' on the dock of the bay

Seattle skyline from Alki Point

I'm back. Our Internet service went down early yesterday morning, and by the time Centurylink got their act together again, my blogging energy had flown the coop.  

On Tuesday afternoon, I drove down the hill and sat for a while looking at the water.

There were lots of people walking along the beach at low tide. But the bay itself was weirdly quiet, not a pleasure boat or cargo ship in sight, and just a single ferry coming in to the Seattle dock. Most conspicuously absent from the summer waterfront? The massive Alaska cruise ships. The cruise industry has been decimated. 

Speaking of weird times, here's a local news story. Alki Point is an exclusive neighborhood, lined with million dollar view condos.

Over the weekend, some teenagers spotted a suitcase washed up on these rocks. Being curious kids, they went down to investigate. The suitcase was smelly. Extremely smelly. Naturally, they posted a (now viral) video on TikToc.  You can just imagine that, with girls screaming and scrambling around on the rocks.

The police finally arrived hours later. By then, the tide had washed the suitcase out to sea. A police boat eventually retrieved it.  The gruesome contents?  You guessed it. Human remains, now "under "investigation."

So far, they're being pretty tight-lipped about it.  Oh, the things that can wash up in your own backyard.

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