Thursday, June 4, 2020

Count the small blessings

Two pounds of fresh organic blueberries, grown in America (Salinas) for $3.99. I'm going to the grocery store a little more often now. A cheerful person standing outside Met Market sanitized my cart before I went in yesterday. Everyone wore masks. People kept their distance. We are adjusting.

Meat, especially beef, is more expensive, but in the big picture, guess that's not a bad thing. For those of us who like meat, it really should be more of a treat, not the main event of the meal. The pandemic finally brings some attention to the people working for minimum wage in those nightmarish "processing" plants.

And let's give our heartfelt thanks to the long chain of people who get this beautiful and inexpensive produce to our tables. We're unashamed iceberg lettuce lovers, and have been gorging like rabbits on the 99 cent heads from Safeway.

John dropped some strong hints about a blueberry pie. I told him I've made more pies in the past 3 months than I typically do in a year. He said, "And your point is?" Haha

June Gloom is here, a typical weather pattern for the west coast. That means foggy, grey mornings and partial afternoon clearing. The high temperature stays in the 60's.  Summer is slow to start, living on the edge of a big, cold ocean.

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