Saturday, June 27, 2020

On the grill

Apparently, a glut of pork products went into the retail food chain after the restaurants closed.  Places like Appleby's and Red Robin used tons of bacon.

So bacon was relatively cheap for a while, and unusual things appeared at the grocery store, like these thick bacon-wrapped pork medallions.  I've bought sirloin steak like this, but never pork.

Not to brag, but these take some pretty advanced grill skills.  Getting the bacon crispy would be almost impossible in a frying pan, not to mention messy, and the broiler would set the oven on fire.

The trick is to balance them on their sides on a hot grill, while turning with long tongs.

The bacon browns in a few minutes and the fat drips harmlessly into the grill pan below.  Which is easier than cleaning the entire kitchen.  After the bacon is crispy all around the meat, just finish cooking on indirect heat with the lid closed.  Pork tenderloins are almost fat free and tend to be dry, so the bacon gives them a nice smoky flavor.

I made chicken skewers last night with peppers and onions. The sauce "recipe" is just equal parts barbecue and teriyaki.  Which sounds weird, but actually tasted like the best of both, and less overwhelming than most bottled barbecue sauce.

A healthy side dish. What is quinoa, anyway? I always forget.  It reminds me of bird seed millet. Actually pretty tasty, especially if you cook it in a can of chicken broth.

OK, I'm getting hungry and it's only 9:30 am.

I should take my walk, but it's been raining all morning in Seattle. Wonderful for the garden, but makes for a gloomy summer weekend morning.  We'll be lucky to see 60 today, which makes Seattle  the chilliest place in the country.

Have a good weekend.

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