Saturday, August 8, 2009

The waiting game

What a change in Seattle. Last week we had scorching record heat, but now temperatures are below normal for August. Downright chilly at night, and dark in the early morning with a thick marine cloud cover. No rain at all, but hopefully some arriving next week to wet down the dusty lawns. Yesterday at the barn I noticed yellow leaves starting in a few trees, and the thought of seasons changing always makes me feel sad and excited at the same time. This will be a busy and happy season with a new baby in the family, and a wedding coming up in October.

Today Amanda's baby is "officially" due. I think she told me there is a 10% chance the baby will be born on your actual due date (or some very low chance like that.) But we make our plans, and Mother Nature always has the last word in these things. Amanda is probably getting tired of her Mom calling twice a day and asking "are you feeling anything yet?" I'll be driving to Twisp next week, and will write from there on Amanda's computer. Hopefully, baby pictures on the blog very soon!

Here is a little heartfelt poem I found on the Internet, written by a grandmother waiting for a baby to be born:

Waiting and Wondering
by Ellen Bailey

I sit here waiting for a new soul to be born
In the pre-dawn hours of an early morn
I am to be a new grandmother, you see
And keep wondering what it will be.

Children are a gift from God and a token
They deserve all our love and devotion
So I am here waiting for this new soul
To let it know how much I love it so.

If it's to be a little baby boy
I know he will bring lots of sunshine and lots of joy
If it's be be a little baby girl
I hope she has lots of hair and lots of curls.

The gender of this new soul doesn't matter to me
It will be a delightful addition to our family
I will reach out to it with arm unfurled
And help welcome it into this old world.

Is that the faint cry of a new born baby's wail?
The waiting is over, this new soul I must go hail
I have a new grandson for all the world to see
I must tell you about him if you please.

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