Monday, November 26, 2018

On we go

This is where I would wake up, in the kitchen of my dreams.  Oh well. I make do with 2 square feet of counter space, and no one has ever gone hungry around here.  On we go in the kitchen. Up next, about a thousand Christmas cookies to bake. 

The kids left Sunday morning and we were relieved when they got home safely. Good timing, because the weather turned nasty in the mountains and elsewhere. It was still sunny yesterday, and I did laundry and housework. John spent the morning replacing boards on the front fence that were kicked out again, probably by senseless teenagers with nothing better to do with themselves. This is the second time it's happened in a year. Getting old.

Honestly, I never thought it was for me, but I'm starting to understand why people move to gated senior communities.  Our neighborhood has changed and will continue to do so as thousands of people move into new apartments.  There are limits to the joys of "diversity."

On the bright side, we have fun things to look forward to in December:

The ladies "ornament party" hosted by old friends.
The Ukes Christmas Concert at the Senior Center (John wouldn't miss it for the world ;-)
Our traditional fancy lunch downtown, when I trick John into some brick and mortar shopping.
Tickets to the new musical "Jane Eyre" at ArtsWest, our neighborhood theater.
And best of all, a 5-day trip to Las Vegas right before Christmas to visit my Dad and sister.

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