Thursday, November 1, 2018

Baked mini donuts

John bought me a mini-doughnut baking tin at Sur le Table a few months ago. I might have forgot to exclaim, "Just what I've always wanted!"  I'm not crazy about storing insanely specific tools. But then, a gift is a gift, and I promised I'd make the apple donut recipe on Halloween.

Finely diced "Winter Banana" and "Pink Rose" apples from our weekend trip.
Oil, sugar and eggs. No unusual ingredients in this recipe.
Add the dry to the wet and whisk, typical cake stuff, easy peasy.

Stir in the apples...then fill the dang fiddly cups.
Whoops. Seriously overfilled. The first batch looked more like cookies.
Or pitiful little Bundt cakes that stuck like glue to the hot pan. The crow agreed, at least they tasted good. 

Round two. Instead of a heaping sloppy tablespoon, a scant teaspoon of batter. 

And the trick-- cool completely, absolutely, before you even think about taking them out and making the next batch. This takes a while with just one pan.  Patience, patience is something I'm short on when it comes to baking.

Finally, that's more like it with just a dusting of cinnamon and sugar. They are so teeny-tiny, you can eat several without much guilt at all.  But I wish Nova and Maya were here to devour them.

We had about 50 cute and very polite trick-or-treaters knocking at the door, all with amazing costumes and watchful adults hovering nearby. I remember when Amanda and her friends would head out alone (horrors!) on Halloween, running in and out all evening to count their loot.

I like Halloween, simply because it's the one day that gets our neighbors out of their houses and apartments. I sometimes think of the thousands of folks living within a few blocks of us. So close, yet complete strangers. One of the paradoxes of urban life.

P.S. Maybe I should throw a donut party?

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