Thursday, March 2, 2017

Make mine Moxie

Moxie is the oldest continually produced soda in the U.S.  The original mixture contained oats, sassafras, wintergreen and a "mystery plant" from South America.

It originated as a patent medicine called "Moxie Nerve Food," created in 1876 by Dr. Augustin Thompson in Lowell, Massachusetts. He claimed it was effective against paralysis, softening of the brain, nervousness and insomnia.

Sugar-free diet Moxie was introduced in 1962. Ugh. I don't remember drinking Moxie, but apparently it's still popular in rural Pennsylvania.

Well, the weather is adding to the strenuous life around here. For the first time in 48 years, Seattle had more snow in January and February than Minneapolis. How do I come up with these things?

I really need to get a life.

There's not a dry day ahead in the long-term forecast, and a possibility of snow again for the weekend.  Pass the Moxie.


  1. Sue,
    My mother grew up in upstate New York and introduced me to Moxie when we visited there about 20 years ago. I thought it tasted like flat Dr. Pepper :-) Did you know it's the official drink of the state of Maine?

  2. Who knew? Amazing that these products have lasted so long. Now I know what to take for "softening of the brain." ha ha
