Monday, September 30, 2024

The seasons shift



Thirty days hath September, which always flies by way too fast. Tomorrow is October and no more pretending, fall has arrived. 

We were back at the Symphony in our usual seats yesterday. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon, but with a chill in the air as we walked to Benaroya Hall. That damp Northwest feeling is with us now until early summer 2025. The gloomy weather prediction is for a colder and wetter winter than average.

It was a good program featuring a Tchaikovsky symphony and a Ravel piano concerto, and we met up with Betsy and Paul as usual, to catch up on family news and travels. They are world travelers who have been to every corner of the globe, taking major tours and cruises ever few months.  

Our little vacations seem pretty tame by comparison, although we do have a big trip (for us) coming up in October to Niagra Falls and upstate New York for some leaf peeping. More on that later.


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