Thursday, September 5, 2024

Cheese Pizza Day


We have an amazing crop of Roma tomatoes from just one pot. That plant was such a pitiful, wilted looking thing all summer, so I'm surprised. 

Having a beautiful bowl of ripe tomatoes on the counter sure spoils the cook. Tonight I'll make a plain Margherita pizza, simple and good.

Not so simple are these babies, an entire afternoon project. John was happy because I outdid myself and made two batches this summer, one from Safeway Hatch peppers, and this one yesterday from our own Anaheim plant. Homemade chili rellenos are a ton of work, but so worth it-- like eggplant parm. 

Our potted plant only produced 5 peppers. Good grief, don't cost average that! So after all the bother (just the plant start cost $5 at Home Depot) I had to do something special with them. Anyway, next year we'll stick to tomatoes, since we can get perfect Hatch peppers at the grocery store for a dollar a pound sometimes. (Food as usual seems to be the main news around here.)

The highlight this week was a lovely walk with a dear old friend at the Seattle Arboretum. I haven't been up there for years, and forgot how exquisite it is, smack dab in the city, right next to the UW and all the construction chaos of freeway 520, which has been going on for decades. There would be garden pictures, except I was too busy yakking.

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