Friday, September 6, 2024

Onward and upward


I always ask John what he wants to do on his birthday, and he said, "Climb the Howe Street Stairs." 

And I said, "What's that?" You can live in a city for decades and still find some surprises.

At 160 feet elevation and 388 steps, Howe is Seattle's longest outdoor staircase. It was built in 1911 to provide a pedestrian link between streetcar lines, connecting Capitol Hill with the lower Lake Union area. 

Of course, the stairs were built long before I-5 bisected downtown Seattle, so the "trail" now passes right under the elevated freeway.

A strange little world of recreation exists under there (who knew) and quite peaceful if you can ignore the roaring traffic above. There's biking, hiking, picnicking and an off-leash dog area. Strangest of all, no homeless encampments (at the moment.)

The staircase goes straight up past a wonderful assortment of homes clinging to the side of the steep hill, everything from private mansions to intriguing bungalows on heavily wooded lots. Eggs, anyone?

No surprise, these stairs are a popular urban training ground for mountaineering enthusiasts.

Yes, I made it to the top with the birthday boy, although the legs were a bit wobbly by the time we got back to the car. 

On the way home, a stop at Pecos Pit Barbecue to quickly replenish those calories burned. A briskett sandwich (shared.)

Many happy returns, John!


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