Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The bucket list


I've always wanted to ride a camel, and didn't even have to go to Egypt! 

The saying goes, "a camel is a horse designed by committee."

"Clive" was a big sweetheart of a camel, clean as a whistle and polite. Forget the stereotype of all camels being smelly and disagreeable. 

Granted, he had an easy fair gig, and lumbered around the little track a few times with me on his back. Afterwards, his owner pulled his head gently around so I could admire his gorgeous three inch eyelashes. As I stroked his head, he closed his big eyes in pleasure.

Early Monday morning is a popular time for senior citizens, and the fair was doing a brisk business in rented scooters. 


But other than dodging scooters and strollers, we had the place pretty much to ourselves. I put 10,000 steps on my watch. 

We saw just about everything we wanted, then took a ride on the Ferris Wheel. In some ways, the fair felt more like a shopping expo, with hucksters selling everything from hot tubs to mattresses. Of course I bought something-- a cheerful fleece hoodie printed with bright birds, no doubt old-ladyish, but I don't care. 

The food was predictably gross, either fried or sweet or both. I wanted a corn dog (hey, it's a fair!) but they were a foot long on a wooden spear. We settled on the weekday lunch special plate at the gyros stand. And then a giant soft serve ice cream cone at the Milk Bar. By afternoon I was dragging, so we left with the trail of senior citizens going out the gate while the more interesting crowds streamed in for the evening. Good timing. 



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