Friday, September 20, 2024

Law of least effort


Beautiful things sometimes happen by accident. I take no credit for creating this lovely plant vignette, other than throwing succulents on top of the bonsai pot many years ago.  

Benign neglect is actually a gardening approach which I intend to embrace as I age. It means plants are left to grow on their own, without much intervention. So if the hydrangeas want to take over the flower beds? Be my guest!

"The law of least effort is based on the fact that nature's intelligence functions with effortless ease and abandoned carefreeness." 

So sez, Guru Deepak Chopra, so it must be true.

And how could it be that I've walked by this common hollyhock countless times, without once paying attention to how beautiful it is. As pretty as the finest tropical hibiscus.

Anyway, I'm off to Twisp today, with nice late summer weather all across the state. Have a good weekend.

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