Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Shine on, harvest moon


Today is the Chinese Moon Festival, a holiday second only to Chinese New Year and most famous for the ritual sharing of moon cakes.  Everyone should try a moon cake. Once.

The crust is made with lard, and inside there's a thick filling of bean paste along with yolks from salted duck eggs. That peculiar Asian combo of salty, bland and slightly sweet, certainly an acquired taste. Each moon cake has approximately 1000 calories! but they're usually cut in small wedges served with tea.

Today is also National Apple Dumpling Day, which sounds better. Now when was the last time I made a pastry-wrapped apple dumpling? Since I can't find it searching the blog, it must have been a VERY long time ago. 

But simple baked apples are almost as good, and these I make every fall with new crop apples.

So shine on, whatever this day has in store for you.

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