Sunday, September 22, 2024

The Land Back Movement


In 2022, The Methow Conservancy purchased the 328 acre historic Wagner Ranch, an amazing property near Winthrop that includes almost 2 miles of Chewuch riverfront. The entire ranch, including the houses and barns, was then gifted to the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation, in honor of the first Methow People. 

It has since been renamed x̌ʷnámx̌ʷnam, or Hummingbird. The Land Back Movement has become a gradual process in some parts of the country, with private land returned to native people, most often through tribal buy back programs. The outright gift of Hummingbird to the Confederated Tribes is an outstanding example of this movement.

It was important to the Conservancy to make the gift without any restrictions, because the Methow people have stewarded the land in the Methow Valley for generations. Now in the care of their descendants, the property is rich with opportunities for conservation, education and culture. 

They held an open house yesterday, and I went with my friend Karen. It was well attended by the community and everyone loved seeing the art and cultural exhibits. 

Bittersweet fall officially arrives today:

"Autumn shows us how beautiful it is to let things go."

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