Monday, August 26, 2024

The world spins


You rarely see a fully grown buck in town, but last night some youngsters showed up with the family groups and caused a raucous. The little bucks posturing and rough-housing like boys on the playground while the does preened and ignored them-- we are all mammals.

Yesterday was glorious and Amanda and I took a long morning walk at Golden Doe Preserve (well, long for me with 13,000 steps by the end of the day.) 

This week everything changes with Amanda starting work and the kids going back to school tomorrow. The summers are almost frantic with activities as people try to get as much recreation as possible into a few short months. There's an almost audible sigh of relief in the Valley as things return to a different kind of busy with life centering more around school and community. 

The upcoming months are busy so I don't know when I'll have the luxury of another week stay. But as our wise dad used to say, one day at a time. Onward we go into a new season.


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