Friday, August 30, 2024

Labor Day Weekend


"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work." So said, Aristotle. 

I like something colorful in the shady area by the back steps, and these impatiens turned out nice. I gave them a couple hits of Miracle Grow fertilizer and maybe that did the trick.

After our last almost obscene plum harvest, not a single fruit on the poor tree this year, as it was pruned within an inch of its life. Our neighbor shared these yesterday, thank you W! She uses hers to brew a powerful and interesting plum liqueur, ready about Christmastime.

Maybe a plum cake for us-- I don't care to trash out my new range yet with canning mess.

Speaking of which, cooking is suddenly brighter and easier. Not to mention, more fun. This stir fry came together in half the time and tasted better. It's been over 10 years since I cooked on a real quality range. 

I had a Viking Range once, and top-of-the line in its time. It had a scary infrared broiler and the burners got powerfully hot, but basically just a rough fire machine, lacking the refinement of LG. 

Stuffed with electronics, time will tell if the LG holds up to heavy use.

Enjoy your holiday weekend.  We are sticking close to home.


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