Thursday, August 22, 2024



The girls have beautiful hair and they wear it in pretty, soft styles. Today is school orientation and they start next week, Maya in 6th (middle school here) and Nova in 10th. That means Nova starts driver education this fall. She is among the youngest in her class with an August birthday, so most of her friends will soon be out on the roads. Oh my goodness. Also coming up, a trip to Taiwan in the spring with her Chinese class. This should be quite a year. 

We've had a nice time yesterday, browsing around Winthrop and Twisp, took a walk on Amanda and Tom's property, had lunch at the local taco truck and then a big dinner here at the house. I was so tired I slept eight hours with some very creative dreams, which I won't bore you with.

John and Mark are leaving today, but I'll hang around through the weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing my friend Karen. It might rain on Saturday, always welcome. Fingers crossed, the Methow Valley may have escaped worst of the fire season this summer.

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