Tuesday, August 13, 2024

A subtle change


I made strawberry crepes on Sunday in honor of the Paris Olympics. 

The secret to using pancake mix for crepes is adding eggs and lots of milk to make a really thin batter. Spread a few tablespoons around in a little blob of butter, then flip it after a few seconds. Done.

Speaking of the Olympics, out of the 329 events, it seemed like volleyball was on whenever I turned on the TV. Other than snippets of this and that, we didn't watch much. There are 329 medal events and some of them pretty bizarre, so they can't cover everything. But it would have been fun watching some of the more esoteric events, like speed walking and pole dancing.

Our Seattle weather made an abrupt about face, going from hot sunny days to cool and cloudy. Sometimes it burns off by afternoon, but there's an unmistakable feel of summer winding down. 

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