Sunday, August 11, 2024

Big birthday weekend



Happy birthday Nova (Saturday) and Amanda (Sunday.) Fresh off the wilderness trail, next stop the Gorge Amphitheater overlooking the Columbia River in central Washington. There they met up with a group of Methow friends to camp overnight and see an outdoor festival concert.

The headliners were John Mellencamp, Willie Nelson and Bob Dylan on the Outlaw Music Festival Tour. Legends, indeed, when you wrap you head around the years of enduring appeal.

Bob Dylan's folk music phase ended about 12 years BEFORE Amanda was born.  In July 1965, he walked on the stage at the Newport Folk Festival carrying a Fender Starcaster in place of his acoustic guitar. To the confused audience, he announced he was going back to electric.

"Our music" (hard not to think of it that way) has entranced two generations and counting. Nova likes the Beatles, Billie Joel and others. Talk about staying power, with kids listening to music that was written 60 years ago. When we were teenagers, the equivalent would have been playing our grandparent's songs from the turn of the century, as in, 1900. Hilarious thought.

Anyway, glad everyone had a good time and now home safely to catch up on some rest.

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