Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Running on low


I'm at the house this week, recharging my batteries. The Methow River is running at only 330 CFS, a seasonal low. To put that in perspective, it can easily reach 15,000 CFS during spring run-off. This channel through town can handle a tremendous flow which is reassuring (somewhat.) Just don't Google "historic Methow River floods photos."

Not a fan of jumping into cold running water, our little swimming hole finally looks inviting to me, but after a blistering summer, there is already a sense of seasons changing. It is much cooler than the last time I was here and still dark at 5 am.

Besides, I'd rather enjoy the river nice and dry from here. John is coming over today (Yes! The lord returns to the manor! ha!) and our friend Mark is driving up from Portland for a first visit to the house. So the next two days should be busy and fun.

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