Monday, July 22, 2024

Summer weekend


On Saturday morning, we walked up to California Avenue and watched the West Seattle Grand Parade. The night before, I helped decorate the truck for the Center for Active Living, and we had fun doing it. I decided not to walk in the parade.

Like everything else, this parade has evolved over the years, becoming less boisterous and a little more environmentally and politically correct.  

We remember when the Seafair Pirates would "kidnap" children, dragging them screaming down the street. Can you even imagine that now? The Keystone Cops had fake gunfights and threw people in their paddy wagon. Vendors pushed big carts of cheap plastic inflatable toys that Amanda would beg for. The good old days.

On Sunday afternoon, a bittersweet gathering in a park on Alki Beach. We held a song circle and pot luck in honor of Charlie Strong, who passed away recently. 

Charlie was our Ukes leader for over 30 years, and created the song books that we use to this day. I take it for granted now, but joining The Ukes and playing for the first time with a group was a huge deal back when I started 10 years ago. They were so welcoming, despite my inexperience. I made some good friends along the way.

Wow. What a change in the weather. The cool marine clouds pushed in overnight but it will eventually burn off to a pleasant 75 degrees. We're actually making chili this morning.

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