Sunday, July 28, 2024

Local scene


We drove to the Mazama Store last night for the weekly Saturday dinner menu and wine tasting party. I was with Amanda and her best friend with her mother, who is visiting from Vermont. I know them both and we had such a nice time eating and sitting outside talking. People were having a good time dancing to DJ music and just chilling out.

The store motto is "A Little Bit of Everything Good." Mazama, over the years, has become upscale, attracting the high tech outdoor sports crowd. The patio is popular for espresso and breakfast as people start out on their adventures in the North Cascades, and later in the day, meeting up for wine and snacks. A good place for people watching. It reminds me of a miniature Jackson Hole.

The fancy store is a fun place to browse for gourmet food and local crafts, but unfortunately they closed just as we finished eating so we didn't go in. Which certainly saved some money :-)

The smoke is hanging around the Valley, but so far in tolerable range. It makes for some vivid sunrises and sunsets.


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