Wednesday, July 17, 2024

National Hot Dog Day



It's a hard sell convincing yourself sausages are healthy, but at least these are low fat. We had one each last night with a big pile of caramelized Walla Walla onions. I also made an saute with peppers and perfect eggplant from Trader Joes, a rare thing. They are usually green and bitter, or seedy and mealy inside. Already looking forward to the leftovers for lunch.

Oh, so dry here! Other than the flower beds we water, the yard is parched like straw. The weather has been hot for Seattle, in the mid-eighties day after day, which is pleasant but the houses heat up making it hard to sleep. I often go down to the basement in the middle of the night, where it is cooler and quieter. Lucky John, the heat (and nothing else) disturbs his sleep. 

A few clouds drifting though this morning, and talk of dry thunderstorms in the mountains, which is not good news for the fire danger.

I'm off to my newish volunteer job this morning. I'm doing a archives project for a non-profit called "Safe Crossings Foundation."

Their office is at the West Seattle Junction and I can walk there-- super nice people and a wonderful organization. It's a perfect new gig, because I'm not committed to a set schedule like the Senior Center cafe or thrift store. Although - have to use my lazy brain.

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