Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Our get up and go


Twisp City Park

Seems to have got up and left this morning and we're all feeling pretty lethargic. I just got back from an early walk, the only window for exercise on the hottest day of the week. I have a regular town loop, either on foot or my bicycle, from our house to the river trail and city park, then through downtown past Amanda and Tom's house. It's a little over a mile. 

The Wagner Memorial Pool at the park (above) is in such a bad state of repair the town couldn't open it this summer, which is simply tragic. The pool was the summer hub of activity for the community. There really isn't much for kids to do and the girls would spend the entire day there with friends.

In early morning, this  parking lot should be full of parents dropping off excited kids for lessons and swim team. Children aren't learning to swim in an area filled with swift rivers and cold lakes. Everyone agrees the town needs a replacement pool, but as you can imagine, this is small town complicated with differing  opinions on what, where and how pay for it. The Twisp City Park is floodplain, so the obvious solution of rebuilding on the current site isn't an option. They were more casual about zoning when the pool was built 50 years ago.

Locals have been coming down in front of the house to dunk themselves in the river and cool off. I have not done this yet! Today might be the day.

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