Tuesday, February 16, 2021


Mardi Gras is French for Fat Tuesday, the last chance to binge on rich, fatty foods before Lenten fasting starts tomorrow. Ash Wednesday, already the start of Easter season. We put a dent in the Valentine chocolates and coconut cake. Our small remaining pleasures seem to revolve around good food and drink.

Last year in New Orleans, when the virus was about to bring the world to its knees, the partying went on. Now we have a new word for that: super-spreader event. If we knew then what we know now, would it have made any difference? The cynic in me says, no, human nature being what it is.

The cold weather across the country is pretty bad, especially for folks not prepared for it. Even far south in New Orleans, it will only be in the 30's and 40's today. That should put a natural damper on the Mardi Gras.

I've always wanted to see New Orleans. Suddenly, there seem to be many places in the world I'll never go. India and Africa, for example. A year of staying home seems to shrink the travel ambitions. It suddenly doesn't seem worth all the trouble and risk.  Hopefully that changes, after we start to venture out in baby steps.

On the positive side, the thought of a once routine little travel treat, like an upcoming trip to Las Vegas or southern California, makes me feel giddy with anticipation.

We're well above freezing, but the snow is taking its own sweet time to disappear. There was just so MUCH of it! We haven't moved the cars since Friday; the side streets are still covered with deep slush.  

I walked two blocks to the mailbox yesterday for some fresh air and enough was enough. Dog poop everywhere, since no one picks up after them when they're frolicking in the snow.  Sorry, I can't paint a pretty picture of Seattle right now.

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