Friday, February 12, 2021

Cold bunny

We got about an inch of snow yesterday in Seattle. The hospital called and rescheduled my early morning vaccination appointment to late afternoon today. They also changed John's to the same time, which was nice. Now we don't have to make separate trips down to Burien.  

It's impossible to explain to people in other parts of the country, but even a couple inches of snow creates a traffic nightmare here. The highway patrol probably didn't want all those Tier 2 geezers, desperate to get their shots, slipping around on the roads this morning. Ha ha.

The more impressive snow storm arrives late Friday night and keeps going into Saturday. Things could get interesting, but bring it on. We have absolutely nowhere to go.

 From past experience, I don't expect to feel real perky tomorrow. I promised John a coconut cake for Valentine's Day, and promises must be kept. I'll bake this morning to kill some time before our afternoon appointments.

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