Monday, May 6, 2024

Turn on the heat, please


Not exactly a record, but Seattle's high of 51° yesterday tied for the 3rd coldest May 5th in 80 years. Rain and wind made for a pretty miserable outdoor weekend from start to finish. 

One more dreary Monday and then (be still my heart) we're looking at temperatures approaching 80 by the end of the week. That's the big buzz this morning. And it will be summer like over in Spokane for Amanda's big graduation weekend. 

The garden will go absolutely bonkers finally getting warmth after all this rain, bringing the first flush of roses. May and June are the most beautiful months here. We've had some of the roses for decades, and it's always like welcoming old friends.

Speaking of new friends who already feel like old friends, Bruce and Karen had dinner with us on their way to the airport last night. They brought good wine and I just pulled some chicken enchiladas out of the freezer in honor of Cinco de Mayo.  Lot's of laughs and catching up on the Valley gossip.

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