Wednesday, May 1, 2024

May Day


I've been shopping at the Costco on 4th Avenue South almost since it opened in 1983. It started as a rough warehouse with low-cost, bulk goods, nothing fancy, but created quite the buzz with my peanut butter buying friends. Money was tight and we had young families. 

That particular store was the first in the world, so I'm surprised people don't make pilgrimages there like Starbucks at Pike Place Market. But if you've seen one Costco, you've seen them all.

In the cranky I-remember-when-category, the $1.50 door buster was once a choice of hot dog or polish sausage on a decent stadium roll with self-service warm sauerkraut and fresh onions. They even had dark or light mustard. 

I haven't had a Costco dog since before the pandemic and decided to treat myself yesterday. The hot dog was disconcertingly floppy and huge (like everything at Costco) but kind of tasteless hanging out of a spongy bun. But what do you expect for a buck fifty? Of course I scarfed it down sitting next to my cart in the depressing dining area. When in Rome...

Welcome May! I did some high intensity gardening yesterday and feel like I got a handle on things again. Maybe not ready to throw in the towel and turn it over to wilderness. Yet.

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