Monday, May 27, 2024

Memorial Day thoughts


Raindrops on roses-- it's been cool and dreary here all weekend, typical Seattle spring weather. The flowers are ready to burst into bloom and just waiting for some warmth. But this weather is nothing to complain about, compared to the parade of tornadoes hitting the southeast.

We stayed home all weekend and it's been rather dull around here. We finally got around to streaming "Oppenheimer" on Amazon. I have to hand it to people who can sit for 3+ hours straight in a theater. In the old days, long movies like that had intermissions. Go to the bathroom and get some popcorn. Very civilized. Anyway, we used the pause button to break it up into a few viewing chunks.

It was an absorbing story with good acting, although maybe too much time was taken up with Oppenheimer's hearing (kangaroo trial) to revoke his security clearance. It did a good job portraying the horror of the bombings and the start of the arms race. 

There were only a few hints about the misery and sickness left behind in New Mexico after Trinity. The areas downwind were blanketed with radioactive fallout that fell like warm snow. Children went out and played in it. It was astonishing how casual everyone was about radiation, knowing what we know now. 

The debate will ever continue as to whether the U.S. was justified in dropping the bombs on Japan. Our own dad was in the Army and about to be shipped to the Pacific for the ground invasion when the war abruptly ended. It made for thoughtful Memorial Day viewing.

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