Tuesday, May 21, 2024

No wonder


That's about twice the steps I do on a typical day in Seattle. No wonder I was asleep at 9 last night. My watch was flashing with "new activity awards." Now the exercise bar is raised and the darn thing sets higher goals for me automatically. Not going to happen. A person has limits. 

Today is another busy one. I'm taking an early walk around town with Karen, then driving to Omak with Amanda this afternoon to pick up a huge (and I mean huge) grocery order. Growing kids eat an astonishing amount of food. Nova and Maya polished off an entire can of parmesan cheese last night on their spaghetti. Fast food doesn't exist in the valley, so they never acquired a taste for it. Their eating habits are good-- one reason they are so healthy and beautiful.

A big group of Methow Valley families is camping out this holiday weekend at Banks Lake, which sounds like fun but lots of work, especially planning all those meals. This is primitive camping and all the drinking water needs to be hauled in. We had carefully rationed hot dogs, canned beans, dried soup and oatmeal. Mom ran a tight ship when we camped. And no snitching between meals. 

I'm making dinner for everyone here at the house tonight-- barbecue pork and German potato salad, Tom's favorite. Wednesday is a day of rest before I head back to Seattle.

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