Friday, May 24, 2024

Hello and goodbye

A fine old turkey was strutting his stuff by the house yesterday, looking like a Thanksgiving card, although they taste nothing like Butterballs.

I drove back to Seattle over the North Cascades Highway-- the first 50 miles, one of the most scenic drives in the country. The last 50 miles usually a misery of traffic, getting into downtown from the north. It's better to do that route in route in reverse order, because I'm tired toward the end of the trip.

Anyway, I left early and made good time, only stopping for a few minutes to eat a sandwich. A steady stream of trailers and RV's were already headed east for the holiday weekend. Twisp and Winthrop will fill up with cowboys and visitors for the annual Memorial Day weekend rodeo.

Speaking of a trip down memory lane, the last time we went to the rodeo, Nova looked like this. 

Flash forward. Here she is with her best friend yesterday, camping at Banks Lake with a big group of families.


It's still a bit chilly, but the garden looks good from all the rain. We're happy to stay off the roads and stick close to home this weekend.

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