Friday, April 28, 2023

Arbor Day


The last Friday in April is Arbor Day, celebrated since the late 1800's. In the development push to create housing density, we don't hear much about the loss of so many established yards and trees as Seattle neighborhoods get swallowed up with buildings. 

In fact, the state legislature recently passed a law abolishing single family zoning, except in a few of the wealthiest enclaves (no surprise there.) The developers free-for-all is just getting stared.

Trees have a natural lifespan, but since they can live so long, this is hard to accept. Over 100 years ago, the first settlers in Twisp lined Glover Street with Silver Maples. Over many decades, they grew to enormous heights, creating a canopy of beauty and shade along the hot main street. So taken for granted-- until they weren't. 

I was there last October when massive branch broke off during a windstorm in a yard where children often play. Then, during a brutal ice storm last winter, the largest tree crashed down, severely damaging a house near Amanda and Tom's home. By miracle, no one was hurt in either incident.

The trees were weakened by age and disease, so the city made the hard decision to remove the remaining ones. There are plans to plant new trees, but oh, what a sad and changed sight for years to come. Amanda says almost like a hurricane came through town. 

The best time to replace a tree is long before it dies.

So, finally a weekend of summer like weather and everyone is pretty darn excited. Since it will be in the high 70's, we've been warned to wear sunscreen and drink water. Only in Seattle! 

Have a good weekend.


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