Thursday, March 31, 2022

Tahquitz Canyon Legend


"Tahquitz was the first shaman created by Mukat, the creator of all things. Tahquitz had much power, and in the beginning he used his power for the good of all people. Tahquitz became the guardian spirit of all shamans and he gave them power to do good. 

But over time, Tahquitz began to use his power for selfish reasons. He began to use his power to harm the Cahuilla People. The people became angry, and they banished Tahquitz to this canyon that now bears his name. He made his home high in the San Jacinto Mountains in a secret cave below the towering rock known today as Tahquitz Peak. 

It is said that his spirit still lives in this canyon. He can sometimes be seen as a large green fireball streaking across the night sky. The strange rumblings heard deep within the San Jacinto Mountains, the shaking of the ground, and the crashing of boulders are all attributed to Tahquitz as he stomps about the canyon."

That's Tahquitz 101, from the Palm Springs Indian Canyons website.

Well, plenty of people stomp around the canyon with Tahquitz these days. The 2-mile RT canyon hike to the waterfall is so popular the gates close when the parking lot is full, usually about noon in high season. The Indians charge an entrance fee of $15 per person, but the parks are only a few minutes from Palm Springs, so the experience is pretty miraculous.

We hiked this trail for the first time in 2018, which frankly, seems like a lifetime ago. The trail is steep and rocky with many steps, so I was grateful we could still do it just fine. You walk through a canyon of stunning natural beauty, and at the end a magical waterfall. John was quick enough to can snap a photo that makes it look like we had the place to ourselves. 

I was ready with my ear plugs last night, but our neighbors in the adjoining villa must have been tired out from the previous party so it was a quiet, peaceful night. This is our last day in Palm Springs and I think we'll go to the downtown art museum, then Villagefest street fair tonight for the full California experience. There's no better place for colorful people watching. Back to dull, grey Seattle in the morning.

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