Friday, March 11, 2022

Daylight savings time


Most people like going back on daylight savings time and "spring ahead" is easier on the body clock than "fall back." Of course, twice a year we still ask the same question-- why? There's always talk of it going away. We have Benjamin Franklin to thank for the original idea. 

Not much news here, I'm settling back into the Seattle routine. The Washington indoor mask mandate ends on Monday. Some of you live in places where there never was one, but we've been living with masks for a long time. People have mixed feelings about it ending now.

I parked on the roof lot at Safeway yesterday. It was cold outside, and when I went inside and headed down the 3 flights of stairs to the store, my mask immediately fogged up my glasses. I could not see a thing and the absurdity of this really hit home. The chances of a senior citizen catching Covid in that empty stairwell vs falling down? So yes, I'm ready to ditch the mask in most situations.

Have a good weekend.


  1. Texas is rather lackadaisical about masks, leaving it up to the individual's own "common sense" (for values of common sense of <0 -- which appears to be not as common as one might think!). Since I'm currently undergoing chemotherapy for lymphoma (and have common sense of somewhat greater than <0, chemo brain not withstanding) I am wearing a mask every time I step outdoors. With my compromised immune system, COVID is just the first of a long line of bugs I can do without, not the least of them all the antibiotic resistant bacteria that run rampant at the care home for the elderly where my mom is currently resident. And this past year has proven beyond doubt that masks and hand washing work.

  2. Yes good point. And we've been good mask-wearing soldiers up here in Seattle, so it's very unsettling going from one extreme to to other. Will be strange seeing unmasked faces in the stores again.
