Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Wet hens


The chickens, so far at least, are fine after their rain shower. In fact, Amanda said they looked "nice and clean" the next morning. 

Well, they've only had dust baths all summer, and never felt real rain. Who can blame them? Animals do things that seem silly to us, but we should give them more credit for basic survival instincts. Birds have been walking around in the rain for a long time.

The wild birds in our yard are ecstatic when it rains after a dry period. They should be happy today, because it's just pouring.  There's nothing nicer than waking up, or going to sleep to the sound of rain.  But it means another long day spent inside. 

Well, there's always cooking. The sou chef can slice vegetables for some beef soup made with that leftover Sunday pot roast. 

And this box of organic pears from eastern Washington is almost ripe for chutney. I have plenty of jars, and fortunately a few lids left.  

I went to our local hardware store to buy a more, and the canning aisle was completely cleaned out.  There's price gouging on Amazon and Ebay for usually cheap lids and bands.  Home canning must be the latest pandemic fad. 

1 comment:

  1. There is that old expression, "Madder than a wet hen." Apparently, it only applies to hens that are wet when they don't want to be.
