Monday, October 19, 2020



Each day, I try to do three simple things: doodle something in my sketchbook, pick up the ukulele for a half hour practice, and listen to one Great Courses lecture.  I'm working through a rather challenging course on formal logic. 

Still, these are basically recreational activities, and I don't know why a simple discipline requires so much effort.  Seems like the more time you have, the less you do, and the harder it becomes. The Law of Inertia?

My sister and I were talking about how tired we get now after running just a few errands. We used to go non-stop all day. With the masks, social distancing and general air of anxiety, life is pretty exhausting. Hope we can get our mojo back when this is finally over.


I'm working hard outside, so I guess that counts. The big dahlias are finished, and I cut a final vase of summer beauties.  In August, I ordered fragrant oriental lilies from Michigan Bulb Company. We had beautiful ones once, but they pooped out over the years. The bulbs finally came in the mail, thrown unceremoniously on the porch in a plastic bag. They were mostly OK and I got them planted, then started mulching with leaves from the huge maple tree across the street.

It's my least favorite chore of the year, but satisfying when the beds are finally put to bed for a few short months.

Sadly, "our" lovely tree is slowly dying. The ground is littered with dead branches making it hard to rake, and big sections don't even leaf out anymore.

There might still be a way for the school district to save it, if they noticed or cared before it's too late. From our living room, the tree is beautiful in all seasons, especially when it blocks the hot afternoon sun in the summer. I'm reading Richard Powers deep book about trees, called "The Overstory." It's giving me a lot to think about. So much we take for granted until it's gone forever. 

Did you know, there is as much tree living below ground as there is above?

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