Wednesday, October 14, 2020


We had a fierce windstorm in Seattle yesterday afternoon and our power went off from 4 pm until almost 9 pm. That's the longest power outage I can remember in 40 years of living here.  

Like the outage a few weeks ago, we were right on the edge of the big "unlucky" power grid, and could see our neighbor's lights shining happily across the street.  That hurt. This outage affected many thousands of people living on Alki beach and in the north Admiral district, including some major grocery stores. Oh, dear.

Our West Seattle community blog, never at a loss for comments, was immediately jammed with individual stories of woe that people felt the need to share. 

I was bored enough to read some, and was stuck how many people come home from work with no idea what they'll have for dinner, or worse, nothing in the house to eat.  So there was much discussion and frantic driving around in the wind looking for restaurants still open for takeout.  

It's kind of funny, but also alarming thinking about would happen in a real disaster if we were without power or heaven forbid water for days. 

I was making teriyaki pork in the oven when the lights went out, so it was a simple thing to finish cooking it on top of the stove. (Thank, you gas.) 

My main concern was our precious little freezer, absolutely stuffed with all kinds of good things. It was a relief when everything hummed back to life. Everything feels abnormal now, so even small disruptions of routine seem much more anxiety producing.

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