Thursday, October 15, 2020

Life is just...


A bowl of cherry tomatoes. From the plant that keeps on giving. Hat's off (I guess) to the bio-engineering that creates these new Frankenstein varieties.  "Sweet 100 Cherry Tomato" used to mean about 100, but this plant had thousands. The "Mater Magic" fertilizer made a difference, plus our nighttime temperatures are still relatively warm for mid-October. 

Oh boy. The news. As the virus spread accelerates, the outlook is quite scary for winter. All we can do is hunker down and figure out how take care of ourselves, and not go completely nuts. Or become winos. Or gain 20 pounds. Etc. etc.

Like everyone, after 8 long months I miss so many things. Hugs and handshakes, family and friends around the table, coffee shops and restaurants, concert halls and singing! ukulele groups, vacations, interesting volunteer job, recreational shopping, smiling uncovered mouths, carefree airports and airplanes. My husband with a fresh haircut in a real shirt.  I told him (in the nicest possible way) he's looking like Larry of the Three Stooges with that hair. Yes, quarantine brings out the cruelty in married couples.  Ha!

But as my spouse wisely says, "What's the point of complaining about things you can't change?" Hopefully this sad experience gives us appreciation someday for these taken-for-granted things. Pandemics must eventually end. Right?

Speaking of getting my own little world in order, I tackled the spice cabinets yesterday. Well, "cabinet" is a nice word for these black holes, made worse by the collection of old, dusty bottles of stale spices hogging up space. Every inch of space counts in this kitchen.

Today is about outside work- it's the last dry one for quite a while.

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