Wednesday, May 16, 2018

We play for food

A few of my fellow "Ukes"

We had a good turnout at the Mother's Day lunch yesterday. Sixteen Ukes played and sang for an audience of 75 ladies, with the usual sprinkling of elderly men in for a hot lunch.  Thankfully, Charlie cut the most troublesome songs from the playlist, although we had to play longer than we planned.

The regular Senior Center chef was on vacation, and the person filling in was running seriously late. I wanted to put down my ukulele, and make myself more useful in the kitchen.  So we had a captive audience, as hungry people waited patiently for their plate of dry chicken almondine and green beans.  By the time The Ukes were finally served, the kitchen was running short on food, but everyone got a little something.  (I always eat before I go to these things, because you never know.)

The Senior Center is at the West Seattle Junction, ground zero for big development.  I hope it isn't true, but there's a rumor the entire block including the Senior Center will be demolished. This to build, you guessed it, more multi-story apartment buildings with expensive retail space at street level. That drives out the small independent businesses that make the neighborhood interesting, and we're left with chain stores and restaurants.  It's such a perfect, central location for the vibrant, busy Senior Center. If they lose the building, where could they afford to relocate in West Seattle? 

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