Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Honey or pharmaceutical?

On impulse, I bought a big jar of Maunka honey at Costco for $39, which seemed crazy expensive, just for making John's granola. Then I saw this tiny jar at Trader Joe's for $14!  It was in the vitamin section, apparently considered a supplement and not a condiment to spoon on toast and oatmeal. 

Manuka honey is produced in New Zealand by bees that pollinate the native Manuka bush.  I didn't know this, but hydrogen peroxide is produced in all honey, which gives it an antibiotic quality that can stop the growth of bacteria.  In fact, honey has been used for thousands of years to fight infection.

But they claim that Manuka honey has other components with stronger antibacterial qualities, such as dihydroxyacetone -- that is found only in the nectar of Manuka flowers.  Honey producers have developed a scale for rating the potency of Manuka honey called UMF, which stands for Unique Manuka Factor. Talk about smart marketing.

If you feel a sore throat coming on, a spoonful of Manuka honey supposedly gives instant improvement. It might be just another health fad, but here's a list of other claims:

  1. Helps with SIBO, Low Stomach Acid, Acid Reflux
  2. May Help Treat Acne and Eczema
  3. Combats Staph Infections (MRSA)
  4. Treats Burns, Wounds and Ulcers
  5. Prevents Tooth Decay and Gingivitis
  6. Aids IBS and IBD Treatment
  7. Improves Sore Throats and Immunity
  8. Helps Allergies
  9. Beauty Treatment and Health Booster
  10. Improves Sleep
The magic Manuka flower

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