Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Our Wednesday

I've had my hand surgery planned and postponed (both for cowardly reasons and other things out of my control) for about a year now.  Well, today was finally the day.  I didn't talk about it much ahead of time because I found that some people enjoy sharing their surgical horror stories!  My stress level was high enough-- all of us know how important our hands are, and you know how much I use mine. 

I don't have carpel tunnel syndrome, the scourge of the computer age, but a painful clicking tendon problem known by the jaunty name of "trigger finger."  According to my surgeon, an "easy fix."  To make a long story short, everything went well and here I sit at my computer 8 hours later with a prescription for Vicodin and a bandage on my right hand that cannot get wet for the next week. Kitchen duty for John.

My head is still fuzzy from the happy drugs they gave me this morning, so I'm headed downstairs with a cup of tea for some vacant TV.   Blogging under the influence of narcotics could be embarrassing.  :-) An update tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad your surgery went well. Wishing you a speedy recovery!
