Saturday, March 16, 2013

St. Patrick's Day tomorrow

St. Patrick, the holy and tutular man
His beard down his bosom like Aaron's ran:
Some from Scotland, some from Wales, will declare that he came,
But I care not from whence now he's risen to fame;
The pride of the world and his enemies scorning
I will drink to St. Patrick, today in the Morning!

To be honest, St. Patrick's Day isn't a big celebration in this German-Italian house (John refers to it as pagan holiday) except it gives me an excuse to buy and cook one of these.

Yum, cured meat.  That might something the Germans and Irish have in common, although I read once that corned beef is not eaten in Ireland at all.  For years I boiled it up into something like a corned beef and cabbage soup.

Finally, I learned the Dutch oven roasting method. Much better. (Rinse off the package slime, sprinkle it with the seasoning packet, add a dash of fresh water. Cover. Bake.)  After a few hours the brown pan juices make a concentrated and tasty saline "gravy" for the potatoes.  Well, probably a good thing this eating holiday comes just once a year.

We're going to the Symphony tomorrow afternoon, so I'll cook it in the morning and we'll have our little feast heated up when we get home.

Have a good weekend, everyone.  It's still raining, but we're off this morning with the pickup to buy compost and potting soil.  The first day of Spring is just around the corner.

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