Portlandia, by Raymond Kaskey
Downtown Portland
(If she decided to stand up, she would be 50 feet tall)
We spent a wonderful weekend in Portland with our friends Candi and Roger. Too many years went by since we were together, but all that time melted away in an instant. What did we do in cool, rainy, trendy Portland? Well, it really didn't matter much in the end because we were happy just being together. We talked and laughed and then laughed and talked some more. We told old stories. And we had reasons to celebrate-- two Aries birthdays in the same weekend, but most of all-- Roger's journey back to health and vitality. Man, you are looking good!
Many celebratory glasses were lifted at our Friday night reunion. I will say no more about
that except, "Thank you, John." (We think.) After strong coffee and a reviving breakfast, we walked over to the splendid Portland Art Museum and spent Saturday morning looking at the large collection and special exhibits. A exhibit of
John Frame's unusual and dreamlike work was the highlight for me.
Candi and Roger, Sculpture Courtyard

Horsing around with the wooden horse!

Me and John. Same place, different sculpture.

Checking out the high Willamette River before dinner.

Here's your spring wardrobe for the freezing Northwest...

Fun with street art...

And more street art...

Something to look at on every rain-washed block.

You have to love a downtown where there's a Zen contemplation garden outside the doors of a stockbroker.

And creamy camellias bloom at night along squeaky-clean streets.
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