Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A fairy garden

The land of fairy, where nobody gets old and godly and grave, where nobody gets old and crafty and wise, where nobody gets old and bitter of tongue.
William Butler Yeats

The nice thing about being grandma is you have a built-in excuse to do and buy things you always wanted as a kid. "Oh, Nova will LOVE this." I guess trips to Disneyland fall into that category. I'd enjoy a day at the Magic Kingdom tremendously until about 5 o'clock (wine time) but I admire any grandparent who can spend 12 hours there without falling down from exhaustion.

Now, doll houses and miniatures are my secret weakness. Browsing around at the fancy Sky Nursery the other week, I spotted this darling set to make a container "fairy garden." I will tell you, that box was not cheap considering what was in it, but little did I know it was only the tip of the iceberg. There was a special pot and soil to buy, and then websites full of tempting little accessories and paving stones, and oh yes-- the tiny plants. Just like a full size garden, with a fairy garden you are never "done."

But designing a real, tiny garden from scratch is fun! And I finally found a home for my old collection of Red Rose tea box figurines.
It's still a work in progress-- I'll let you know when fairies move in.


  1. Wow! What a beautiful idea! Nova will LOVE that! Her favorite little white elephant will probably have to move in with the fairies if they don't mind.. Can't wait to watch it grow!

  2. Nova's little lost elephant finally has a home. Can't wait to show it to her!
