Saturday, May 7, 2011

Free range donkeys

Last week I ran across the herd of local Cripple Creek donkeys while I was walking back to my motel room. It was a dismal snowy night and their sweet faces cheered me up. They roam the streets year-round eating grass and raiding garbage cans. In the summer they sometimes get so fat the town pens them up in a corral and puts them on a hay diet for their own good. The tourists are warned not to feed or touch donkeys because they can "kick and bite." Of course people feed them anyway and they are excellent beggars. Who could resist slipping a tortilla chip to that face poking in the window of your car?

Since I'm used to horses, they acted like any group of spoiled equines looking for treats. Their hooves were nicely trimmed, so the local cowboys must handle them and make them behave (somewhat.) Being a sucker, I was quickly relieved of my two granola bars.

What's that I smell in your pocket?
Any more?
Dang it!
Oh, well-- here's a planter that needs mowing.

1 comment:

  1. Feral donkeys! I had no idea. If they are getting their hooves trimmed and getting so fat they have to be put on a diet, the wild life can't be too hard. Funny story!
