We had a nice trip to
Sonoma and
Calistoga this past April. We flew to Oakland, rented a car and went back to some of our favorite places. The weather was bright and sunny and nothing was crowded in off-season. We always have a good time there, maybe because in wine county we tend to drink wine at unusual times of day.
Ok, make that ALL day! But just little sips, right?
The vacation scenario goes like this-- we pull into the champagne "winery" parking lot at 11 am, and enter a structure that looks like a chateau dropped down from France. For example, the
Domaine Carneros in
http://www.domainecarneros.com//index.cfmTen minutes later my husband has gladly opened his wallet and purchased $25 tasting tour tickets from the ravishing young woman at the front desk. My first response is: "I cannot possibly drink wine before noon, you have WASTED this expensive ticket on me." 15 minutes later, I am happily sipping
Taittinger from my personal "
complimentary" champagne flute, and touring the "chateau" with a group of equally happy, sipping people.
After the tour in the elegant ladies room, I saw this picture and wrote down the name: "Youth" by Arthur F. Matthews, a California artist. I love the Internet! When we got home I ordered a print online and it looks great in our old house.
http://www.2blowhards.com/archives/2007/03/arthur_mathews_1.htmlSo it goes, and we have visited
Napa and
Sonoma many times over the years, and taken tours in lots of places. All winery tours are basically the same (after all, the process hasn't changed in 6,000 years) but every winery is different in the history, art and
I like the far-flung areas of the
Sonoma County, like
Asti in the Alexander Valley. We had the Cellar # 8 winery to ourselves, and John enjoys their wine when he can buy it for $7.99 at Safeway. This property (known forever as the
Asti Winery) was closed to visitors until recently and we always wanted to see it. It was once the site of Italian Swiss Colony, a Disneyland of wine and one of the biggest tourist attractions in California in the 70's. I remember stopping there for a free sip in my hippie days hitchhiking up Highway 101. Some things never change. Only the price of a sip, I guess!