Tuesday, August 15, 2023

What to eat?


Hamburgers topped with some of our home-grown grilled peppers. It gets old trying to figure out endless meals, especially when the weather is hot. We rarely eat out anymore--mostly because of the big hassle factor in West Seattle.  

So my latest credit card spending report said my largest category is "groceries." That's right, not travel or restaurants, airfare, clothing or gas, but food. The proof is in the math. Shopping and cooking are my biggest and most expensive hobbies.  

Pretty lame if you ask me, but at least we eat well, and the knife expert gets lots of food prep practice.

Like this very nice, precisely diced fresh mango salsa. Looks like a machine made it!

That we had with soft chicken tacos. Maybe a tortellini salad tonight.

Today is the hottest day of the week, about 90, but by the weekend we'll be back in the pleasant 70's.

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