Thursday, July 2, 2020

What to say

Looking back on my humble magnum opus (11 years of almost daily blogging) I've rarely been at a loss on what to write, especially since no subject is too trivial for Feathers and Flowers. Ha!

But the sameness of these pandemic days, as the months drag on, challenges even the most disciplined bloggers.

So I'll spare you another gloomy weather report, and try to find something useful to do with myself,  other than stare at a computer screen. 


  1. Go sew something! Want me to bring a sewing machine and projects over to you??? i have plenty of charity quilts cut out - super simple! Five inch squares. For an organization called Quilts Beyond Borders. :-)

  2. As you know, I'm a piss-poor seamstress! But I have a little sewing machine so maybe I'll pull it out sometime.
